Links of Interest

1. Data Access/Repository

2. Relevant applications for the work with Copernicus

  1. SNAP: 
  2. QGIS: 
  3. R
  4. Python
  5. Anaconda

3. Copernicus Services

  1. Copernicus Land Monitoring Service (CLMS): Copernicus Land Monitoring Service
  2. Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service: Home | Copernicus
  3. Copernicus Urban Atlas: Urban Atlas — Copernicus Land Monitoring Service
  4. Copernicus Maritime Service: Home | CMEMS (
  5. European Forest Fire Information System (EFFIS): EFFIS – Welcome to EFFIS (
  6. European Ground Motion Service: European Ground Motion Service — Copernicus Land Monitoring Service 
  7. European Climate Change Service: Copernicus 

4. Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem

  1. Copernicus Data Ecosystem: Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem | Europe’s eyes on Earth 

5. Data and Information Access Services

  1. Data and Information Access Services:: Data and Information Access Services | Copernicus

6. Tutorials

  1. Sentinel image processing course with SNAP (in Spanish)
  1. Introduction to Copernicus software and SNAP installation
  2. Downloading satellite images
  3. Basic SNAP functions
  4. Advanced SNAP functions
  5. Generation of spectral indices
  6. Pre-processing of radar images (Sentinel-1)
  7. Digital image classification