CopernicusLAC Chile

Copernicus LAC Chile Services

Land cover and use in Latin America and the Caribbean

CopernicusLAC Chile is working to generate a pan-regional product that provides information on land cover and its changes, using a machine learning approach based on satellite and in situ data, which seeks to overcome existing difficulties in obtaining consistent and comprehensive land use information by obtaining data directly from LAC countries and harmonising it.

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Urban Atlas for Latin America and the Caribbean

Our project aims to address the demand for detailed and harmonised information on land use and land cover (LULC), with a special focus on monitoring the main urban areas. The initiative involves the creation of an Urban Atlas of Latin America and the Caribbean, with the aim of establishing a coherent definition of the concept of Functional Urban Area (FUA), providing harmonised data on land cover and land use, including its changes over different periods.

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Ocean Monitoring (Soon)

CopernicusLAC Chile will use Copernicus Marine Services to transform its global service into a regional one. This requires complementing in situ data to calibrate and validate models and products, covering aspects such as temperature, water salinity, sea surface height, current velocity, sea ice, nutrients, carbon, transparency, turbidity, and sea surface waves, among others. On this basis, ground data will be aggregated, and machine learning models will be fine-tuned to give these services greater regional accuracy and validation.

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